Security-Flightcase’s superior intelligence and analytics acumen help to optimize your business organization’s security posture, leveraging the latest technologies and service expertise for improving your ability to identify, measure, manage and alleviate information security risks. This constitutes an enhanced focus on 24X7 monitoring and threat detection employing state-of-the-art analytics, contextual threat intelligence and responsive strategic intervention. Rapid incident response and actionable guidance are the main aspects of our involvement.
Our cloud-based solutions don’t require hardware or software investments. Clients can avail of SIEM infrastructure and services can be contacted based on events per second or log volume. Service is bundled with commercial threat intelligence, orchestration & automation, threat hunting and alerts monitored by Flightcase’s 24X7 SOC, analyzing them and suggesting remedial measures. We and our unmatched and unparalleled services are instrumental in boosting the security outlook of clients across sectors.
Own platform-based security services and on-premises solutions.
SaaS-based pricing & easy deployment SLA driven service.
An all-encompassing, fully managed, customizable SIEM solution imparting 24X7 SOC support.
Centralization, correlation, analysis & retention of event data for generating automated alerts.
Obtain regulatory and compliance requirements with audit support.
Get is a bird’s eye view of the security landscape via integration of log data & audit trails.
Deciphered through effortless deployment and efficient SOC support.
Real-time surveillance with proactive “hunts” for minimizing risk, exposing malware, threats, and incidents.